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NEW POLL: Barely a third of Scots back Indyref2 in 2023

Barely a third of people in Scotland support Nicola Sturgeon’s bid to hold a second referendum on leaving the UK next year.

A new opinion poll by Survation shows that 35% are in favour of another contest being held in 2023, and 53% oppose the idea.

Asked how they would vote in a referendum with the question ‘should Scotland remain a part of the United Kingdom or leave the United Kingdom?’, 59% said ‘Remain’ and only 41% said ‘Leave’.

Just 28% of respondents said they agreed with the SNP/Green Government budgeting £20million for another referendum next year.

The SNP has claimed that the next General Election should be a ‘de facto referendum’ on Scotland leaving the UK, yet only 31% said they agreed this is how the next election should be conducted.

Pamela Nash, chief executive of Scotland in Union, said:

“It’s time for the SNP to start listening to the people of Scotland.

“The majority of people in Scotland do not want another divisive referendum next year and oppose the government spending millions of pounds on this.

“This poll also confirms yet again that Scotland wants to remain part of the UK.

“There is no such thing as a ‘de facto referendum’ and the findings show that most voters oppose the SNP’s idea to make the next General Election solely about the constitution; instead, it must be about the issues which really matter to people.

“Many Yes voters from 2014 have changed their minds and would now vote to remain in the UK, with the poll revealing that they are particularly concerned about public services in a separate Scotland.

“Amid a cost-of-living crisis, as part of the UK we can invest more in public services, protect jobs and livelihoods, and bring communities together.”


Survation poll for Scotland in Union. Fieldwork dates: September 28-29. Population sampled: people in Scotland aged 16+. Sample size: 1,011.

Polling slides here.

Table data here.


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