The Rutherglen and Hamilton West recall petition will be opened from Tuesday 20th June, and will close on Monday 31st July.
If 8113 people sign the recall petition (10% of the electorate in the constituency) then a by-election will take place soon after.
This will be the first time a recall petition has taken place in Scotland.
The seat is currently held by former SNP MP Margaret Ferrier, who was suspended from the House of Commons for 30 days, triggering the recall.
Those wanting to sign the petition will be allocated a petition place, similar to a polling station during elections.
The designated petition signing places are located at:
• Blantyre Leisure Centre, Glasgow Road, Blantyre G72 OJS
• Cambuslang Institute, 37 Greenlees Road, Cambuslang G72 8JE
• Fernhill Community Centre, 12 Auchenlarie Drive, Fernhill, Rutherglen G73 4EQ
• Rutherglen Town Hall, 139 Main Street, Rutherglen G73 2JJ
• South Lanarkshire Council Election Office, Beckford Street, Hamilton ML3 OBT
• South Lanarkshire Lifestyles Eastfield, Glenside Drive, Rutherglen G73 3LW
• South Lanarkshire Lifestyles Fairhill, Neilsland Road, Hamilton ML3 8HJ
The Petition will be available from 9am until 5pm each working day within the Petition Signing Period. With extended opening hours as follows:
9am to 8pm on Monday 26th June, Tuesday 4th July, Wednesday 12th July, Thursday 20th July, and Thursday 27th July
9am to 1pm on Saturday 1st July, and Saturday 22nd July
Registered voters in the constituency will receive a notice similar to a polling card informing them of where they can sign the petition.
You must have been added to the register at least three working days before the recall petition opens, and you must bring photo identification along with you.
The petition can be signed in person, by post or by appointing a proxy to sign on the voter's behalf - but it cannot be signed online.
Signatures will be counted no later than one day after the end of the six-week signing period.
We can do without Margaret Ferrier , Time she was out for good,
Get them out! No, not them … the SNP!
It’s a pity we will only get rid of one of the SNP incompetents. We need a Scottish Parliamentary election to stop the steady stream of destruction to Scotland.