Scottish Government is set to publish its ninth paper on Scotland leaving the UK, this time touching on social security.
Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP (Social Justice Secretary) is to launch the latest edition of the 'Building a New Scotland' series on Wednesday 6th December.
Pamela Nash, chief executive of Scotland in Union, said:
“It is crystal clear that the SNP/Green government is churning out these papers one after the other to try and distract voters from the scandals and the failures of our public services being reported every day.
“But people are not daft, and will see right through this.
“As part of the UK, we have more to spend on social security as we pool and share resources and risk across the entire country.
“And when it comes to the social security powers devolved after the referendum, the Scottish Government took years and years to enact them, repeatedly asking the UK Government to continue provision – and the process still hasn’t been completed.
“The government’s previous papers have utterly failed to answer the most basic questions about leaving the UK, so if this one is to have any credibility it will explain the massive upheaval of breaking up our welfare state and the very real risk to pensions and benefits."

Only one word describes the Scottish Government and its. INCAPABLE