In the latest Scottish Government paper on independence, released today, First Minister Humza Yousaf has unveiled plans to introduce a written constitution if the country ever leaves the UK.
Pamela Nash, chief executive of Scotland in Union, said:
“Humza Yousaf is beyond delusional if he thinks this is among the priorities for the people of Scotland.
"We don't want his divisive referendum and we don't want a government distracted by constitutional nitpicking.
"The First Minister could have used today to unveil ambitious policies on the NHS, energy, or the cost-of-living crisis.
"Instead he’s chosen the SNP's same old obsession, which will do nothing to help people or businesses across Scotland.
“It’s time for the people’s priorities, not the SNP’s.”

It might be time to abolish this waste of time and money so called parliament.
Same old. !!! It’s time for a change to a Government that represents the Scottish people. One that tackles our major areas of concern and have a plan. The SNP are incapable of tackling our problems. They are full of unemployable individuals .It’s time for a Scottish Parliament election. 🇬🇧🇬🇧