Official export data published today by the Scottish Government highlights the vital importance of the UK single market for Scottish employers.
The new figures for 2021 show that trade with the rest of the UK of £48.6 billion accounted for a massive 61% of all Scotland’s exports.
That dwarfed exports to every country in the EU combined, which totalled only 19% (£15 billion), while non-EU exports made up 20% (£16.3 billion).
The data confirms that trade with the rest of the UK is three times more important for Scotland’s economy than the EU.
This official data highlights the glaring holes in recent taxpayer-funded papers which failed to recognise the importance of the UK single market for jobs and livelihoods.
Pamela Nash, chief executive of Scotland in Union, said:
“Being part of the UK is vital for jobs and livelihoods in Scotland.
“The rest of the UK is by far our biggest market, with significantly more trade with our closest neighbours than every single EU country combined.
“The SNP and the Greens’ continued push for us to leave the UK to join the EU simply makes no economic sense.
“From whisky and salmon to our manufactured goods and professional services, Scotland has extraordinary talent that is in high demand at home and abroad.
“We should be incredibly proud of that, but the nationalists want to put our reputation at risk and weaken our country.
“Rather than their negative vision for Scotland, we have a bright future ahead of us as part of the UK where we can focus on delivering economic growth for our nation, creating more opportunities for our businesses, and providing job security for the people of Scotland.”
See the latest publication of Scotland's export figures here.

Staying in the UK is a no brainer.