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April Fools: Scotland in Union takes to the Road in New Campervan

Press Release: No Embargo

Scotland in Union has announced that they will be touring Scotland in a campervan ‘battle bus’ as part of their campaign to keep Scotland secure in the United Kingdom.

The non-party campaign group said today that they had recently acquired the vehicle from a Police Scotland auction of impounded property, and are planning to convert it to a campaign vehicle prior to a summer tour.  The bus will travel around Scotland in July and August, taking a route from the Borders to the far north, and including the islands if there are any ferries available.

Scotland in Union Chair, Alastair Cameron, said in a statement:

“The Scotland in Union team are really looking forward to launching this next phase in our continuing campaign to keep Scotland secure in the UK.

We were delighted to obtain our new vehicle for a great price at the police auction, and would like to thank our donors for making this possible. There were many options to choose from, including an I-Pace Jaguar and a rather tatty blue horse box, but the campervan will be an ideal campaign vehicle.

There is some work to do before we start the tour, including disposing of a quantity of women’s razors, pots and pans, mobile phones, luxury pens and jewellery which we found in the campervan’s cupboards.  We also need to have it serviced and taxed, as it was previously stored off-road for some time.

We are knitting the vehicle out with suitable transfers and interior, to include campaign materials about Scotland in the UK, and a special pop-up exhibition praising Nicola Sturgeon for helping to secure the union.  We may include some information on the current SNP leader as well, if that seems relevant, whoever they are at the time.

If you see the vehicle out and about, please pop by and say hello, and share any pics on social media. It would be foolish to miss such a great opportunity!

1 Comment

Apr 01, 2024


No doubt the SNP supporters will have fallen for it.

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