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NEW POLL: Voters condemn SNP’s performance running the country

The majority of people in Scotland think the SNP has performed poorly in its handling of the NHS, economy and social care, a new opinion poll has revealed.

Most voters are also critical of the nationalist government’s performance when it comes to trains, ferries and local council funding.

The poll by Survation reveals that the cost-of-living crisis is the most important issue that people want ministers to prioritise, followed by the NHS and energy bills.

Only 7% said an independence referendum is among the most important issues.

Less than a quarter (24%) of respondents said the SNP administration is doing everything possible with its powers to address the cost-of-living crisis.

The poll comes ahead of the SNP’s annual conference in Aberdeen.

A significant 72% of respondents said they want the Scottish and UK governments to work together more closely.

It was revealed yesterday that the poll shows barely a third of people in Scotland support Nicola Sturgeon’s bid to hold a second referendum on leaving the UK next year.

And asked how they would vote in a referendum with the question ‘should Scotland remain a part of the United Kingdom or leave the United Kingdom?’, 59% said ‘remain’ and only 41% said ‘leave’.

Pamela Nash, chief executive of Scotland in Union, said:

“After 15 years in power, this is a damning verdict on the SNP as the party meets for its annual conference.

“When it comes to the NHS, the economy, social care and public transport, the SNP has failed the people of Scotland.

“These are the issues that really matter to people – not a divisive second referendum, which only 7% of voters think should be a priority for the government.

“This poll shows that the people of Scotland want ministers to focus on the cost-of-living crisis, rising energy bills, and the future of our NHS – not constitutional division.

“It’s time the SNP started listening to the people of Scotland.”


Survation poll for Scotland in Union. Fieldwork dates: September 28-29. Population sampled: people in Scotland aged 16+. Sample size: 1,011.

Slides available here.

Tables available here.


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